What To pack In Your Hospital Bag - Checklist For Labour
I will preface this post by adding the following - when I say hospital bag, I mean "bag" in the
loosest of terms. What this should actually be called is,
"What to pack in your hospital suitcases"
one for Baby one for Mummy (carry on).
Anyone that knows me in person knows that I am the type of person who likes to try and
be prepared for any situation that may arise and I am usually the person someone will
ask first if they need something, in the hope I would have lugged it around with me that day.
This need for organisation has however kicked up a notch since I had my little girl Rae and since the experience I had after her birth. As I have mentioned in a previous post, myself and my daughter were very unwell after her birth and had to stay in hospital after her birth for five day's. I would like to start by saying that I am not telling you this to scare you in any way and I really hope you have a smooth experience but this is more to prepare you to expect the unexpected.
When I was pregnant I watched countless videos and read numerous blogs about what to pack in your hospital bag. All included a couple of baby grows and a few nappies and one change of cosy clothes for yourself. Not one of them prepared me for the eventuality I could be in hospital for 5 days and that actually you will need a few more things.
I very luckily had a very close family support system who could get things for me very quickly but that is not an option for everyone. This is my "What's in my hospital bag" edition, that will hopefully prepare you for most eventualities because in the light of being realistic, it is not always straight forward. I had my hospital bag ready at 35 weeks and kept it by my front door to grab on my way out when I went into labour.
I did however not go into labour of my own accord but ended up being called in for induction and 42+1.
Mummy's Bag
Birth Plan and maternity pack
No, I do not mean maternity pants (they are in my opinion a total waste of money) I mean and least 8 sets of big comfy high waisted 10XL pants, the bigger the better.
Maternity Pads
As many as you can stuff into you bag, sit on your carry on suitcase to squeeze them in if you must. I would say 2 packets at least.
Fem Fresh Wipes
Trust me this will feel much nicer than tissue after giving birth for at least two weeks.
Body Wash
Again the bigger the better and you may want to opt for a night gown instead of pyjamas with trousers. You may also want to invest In feeding tops or night shirts for best breast access.
Slip on shoes or slippers
You may even want to wear flip flops and that way you can wear them in the showers if you don't like the idea of standing on the hospital floor (if I'm honest this is the last thing I thought of just after I had lost all dignity, I would have washed anywhere)
Dressing gown
Comfort! Need I say any more
Old night dress or t-shirt to wear during Labour
Socks x 5
Hair band
dear god, take a hairband if you have long hair! you will need it up and out of the way!
Things to help you relax and pass time
Magazine, tablet, book.
Massage oils for if you want to use these during labour
( I did not, it did sound like a nice idea but did not happen)
Snacks, drinks, I would highly recommend water and some lucozade orange for during.
Lip balm
Hair brush
Make up Wipes
Make up
sometimes it's nice to make yourself feel a little better after
Nursing bra's
Breast Pads
if you have wireless headphones use these as the wire is just annoying 37 hours into labour.
Phone Charger
Music on your phone
Comfortable shoes
Swimwear top
for if you want to wear it in a birthings pool.
Camera or phone camera
unscented deodorant
Lucozade glucose tablets
Paracetamol / Ibuprofen
Comfortable clothes to wear home
Any other toiletries you normally use
cash for parking and vending machines
plastic bag for dirty clothes
Favourite pillow if you wish
Lanolin nipple balm
Moisturiser for body and for face
also make sure your car is full of plenty of petrol in oder to get you directly to the hospital.
What To Pack In Babies Bag
5 Sleepsuits and 5 vests, long and short sleeved vests
I would suggest taking these in a few different sizes and
to have a few different sizes prepared and washed at home
in a place that you know incase you have a big, big baby like I did.
It means that on the occasion they do not fit in anything you have with you,
you will be able to send someone home to bring in emergency supplies.
But I would suggest bring a few sizes.
Baby Blanket x 2
Cellular blankets or one suitable for the season of birth.
Newborn Nappies
Babies go through a lot of nappies, even newborn, I think it can be up to 12 or 13 a day, I was advised.
Muslin squares or swaddles
You will want the muslin squares to mop up milk spillages but you may also want to take in some muslin swaddles in order to cover up when breast feeding. I found the hospital very open and encouraging of breastfeeding and never felt the need to cover up but everyone is different.
Socks x 5
Disposable changing mat
Cardigan x 2
Newborn Jacket (time of year dependent)
Booties x 2
Going home outfit x 2 (incase of accidents)
Nappy bags
Baby Hat x 2
Barrier Cream
Water Wipes x 3 packs
Scratch mitts if not already attached to sleep suit
Car Seat
ready to use and installed isofix if using, you can get car seat checks now too.
Gro Snug or swaddle
this will depend on your preferences and I would always speak with your midwife around the best way to dress your baby. I did not use a pacifier with Rae but please speak with your midwife first if you do plan on using one.
Formula and bottles if you don't want to breastfeed
For your Partner
Snacks and drinks
Dowlonad contraction timing app on their phone
Money / Change
They may also want to pack a spare change of clothes
I hope you all enjoyed this post and if you found it helpful in any way please do let me know. If you have anything else you would add to my list please comment below and if there is anything you would like to see on my blog in the future please let me know in the comments.
I want to wish you all the best of luck and happiest experience in you birth's.
You amazing Mummy's will all do a fantastic job
and have your gorgeous babies very soon.
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